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Meet Liz Humphrey

In the summer of 2020, life seemed to be getting back to normal after the height of the lockdown. My family was getting ready to hit the road for our annual camping weekend. Having a large blended family, my husband and I look forward to spending time with our six kids and our grandson out at our trailer at McConnell Lake Campground.


It’s a special time for us when everyone’s busy schedules line up. Only a few days before we left I discovered a lump, high up on my breast. I found it by chance while working remotely one morning at my dinner table. At first, I wasn’t too worried. It was only after my husband urged me to have it looked at did thoughts of “what if” start to creep into my mind.


The next day, I met with my family physician and was referred for an urgent mammogram at North Bay Regional Health Centre. I was then seen immediately for an ultrasound and biopsy.

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I received the results a few days later while at the campsite general store - I had cancer. It was an aggressive, fast growing and rare cancer with the intimidating name Invasive Ductile Carcinoma.


Telling my family “I have cancer” was devastating. In fact, those are the hardest three words I have ever had to say aloud.


I was quickly scheduled in for a lumpectomy, which was the first step in my treatment. My surgeon was able to remove the entire tumor and determine that my cancer had not spread to my lymph nodes.


Receiving an urgent mammogram made the difference for me. Early detection meant that my healthcare team could mobilize with a plan. I underwent six rounds of chemotherapy, two surgeries, and 20 rounds of radiation. I was able to receive all of my diagnostic testing, surgeries and chemotherapy at NBRHC, which had a positive impact on my outcome and provided my family and me a level of comfort while going through a very unfamiliar and scary experience.


I feel inspired to share my story with you today because generous supporters like you helped save my life. As someone who had not previously needed the hospital, I relied heavily on the advanced medical equipment, expertise and incredible care I received at the NBRHC.


Thanks to the generosity of our community and donors like you, our two mammography units perform over 6,500 breast exams and biopsies each year, that’s over 78,000 in their 12 years. These machines are at the end of their life and are in need of replacement so our hospital can continue to screen and diagnose breast cancer for patients like me.


New equipment will boast added features that have never been available to our community before, including 3-D imaging and contrast enhanced imaging. The cost of this critical equipment is estimated at $1 million for both units.


As a grateful patient, I am asking you to please consider donating to help purchase two state-of-the-art mammography units that will benefit patients being screened for breast cancer in our community. Donating is easy. Simply click the "Donate Now" button above or below. 


I am beyond grateful to say that I am now cancer free. I am 44 years old and truly living life to the fullest, making as many memories as I can with my family.


Battling cancer was one of the toughest things I have ever had to do and I would not be here today if it were not for the care I received at NBRHC. Accessing care close to home made this frightening time a much better experience. I am deeply grateful for the generosity of our community and donors like you.


Please join me today, in supporting the purchase of two new digital mammography units. By making your gift, you will help fund the very latest technology and equipment our hospital needs. Every donation makes a real difference in the lives of patients in our community.


Thank you for kindness and generosity.




Liz Humphrey

Grateful Patient

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PS: Your gift will make the difference in the lives of patients being screened and diagnosed with breast cancer in our community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Enhancing your healthcare, close to home.

50 College Drive, PO Box 2500, North Bay, ON  P1B 5A4 

705.495.8125  |  |  BN88773 1123 RR0001  |

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