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What motivated you to make your first donation to the hospital? Did you or a loved one receive care from the compassionate and caring team at North Bay Regional Health Centre? Many reasons can inspire us to give. For me, it was twofold, both my personal experience with the hospital and my 10 year old daughter, Maeve.


My family’s first donation was in 2017. My daughter Maeve and her friend Macey hosted a lemonade stand and garage sale to raise money for the hospital to celebrate my final chemotherapy treatment. The NBRHC Foundation was just preparing for the Cancer Care, Close to Home campaign and I was happy to share my story to inspire and thank our incredible community – people like you. Donations like yours help purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment to care for patients, like me, close to home.

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Today, I’m writing you to tell you about a special giving program called iGive Monthly. It is through this special program my family continues to support our hospital all year long. But first, I wanted to share a little about my story.


I’ve always considered myself to be healthy. We’ve managed to avoid too many trips to the hospital, but with five active children, trips to the hospital emergency department are inevitable at some point – but I never really thought about my own health In 2016, that all changed when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.


A diagnosis like that brings fear and panic to anyone, but especially as a Mom to young children, I felt uncertain about my future health.


Just a few days after I discovered the lump in my breast, I was seen at the hospital for an urgent mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. The radiologist determined that my lump was in fact cancerous- an aggressive, fast growing and rare tumor. Looking back - it was a scary time that required some quick and difficult decisions.


I spent a lot of time at the hospital that year with regular scans, lab work, surgery, and chemotherapy filling up my days. Because of caring donors like you, I had access to state-of-the-art equipment and medical care that was essential in my diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, close to home. This allowed my care team and I to make timely decisions and act swiftly with treatment, which certainly reduced my anxiety around the situation and had a positive impact on my outcome. Most importantly, it allowed my family to be together during this trying time and to remain as present as possible in my children’s day-to-day lives.


My family was able to see the wonderful care I received at NBRHC and we were inspired to do something more. We chose to join iGive Monthly Club to help provide sustainable long-term support for our hospital.


Becoming a member of the iGive Monthly Club has allowed me the opportunity to show my continued gratitude for the exceptional care that I received, at a time when I needed care the most.


Like many people, I didn’t realize that much of the diagnostic and surgical equipment used at our hospital are not publicly funded and instead rely solely on the generous donations from our community. Please consider joining my family and me in supporting our local hospital with a monthly donation.


It’s easy and convenient to become a monthly donor and small monthly contributions quickly add up to make a larger donation over time. Every year, monthly donations come together to have a huge impact on the purchase of state-of-the-art medical equipment. In fact, last year iGive Monthly Club members donated approximately $68,000 supporting equipment purchases like the MRI, CT scanners, and mammography machines. 


When you become a member of the iGive Monthly Club, not only will you feel good about the impact your monthly gift will have on our hospital all year round, there are also other benefits:

  • Subscription to the Foundation’s insider newsletter mailed twice a year.

  • You receive one consolidated tax receipt for all of your monthly gifts made in the previous calendar year, making it easier to keep track of when it comes to tax time!

  • It’s good for the planet! While reducing the cost of postage, it also reduces paper and printing.

  • You’ll receive free parking at the Health Centre. Simply drop by the Foundation office to say ‘Hi’ and to have your parking validated. After-hours just show your membership card at Security.


Please join me and become a monthly donor today! The iGive Monthly Club has an incredible impact and allows our hospital to plan strategically and invest in the future by ensuring our loved ones have access to advanced healthcare, close to home.


Signing up to become a monthly donor is easy! You can make your monthly gift by clicking 'Donate Now' above, calling the Foundation at 705-495-8125, or simply completing the enclosed form and returning it in the prepaid envelope. You are in complete control of your monthly giving and can make changes to your donations at any time.


I hope you will consider making a monthly gift today. Every donation makes a real difference in the lives of patients in our community. Imagine what we could do if everyone invested in their local healthcare.


Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Wishing you health and happiness.




Tara Blake

Cancer Survivor, Mother, iGive Monthly Donor


P.S. Join me and 170 other monthly donors who make charitable giving to our hospital part of their monthly budget. Monthly donations are automatically withdrawn from your bank account or credit card. It becomes a routine you can feel good about and it’s so easy you almost forget it’s happening.


Enhancing your healthcare, close to home.

50 College Drive, PO Box 2500, North Bay, ON  P1B 5A4 

705.495.8125  |  |  BN88773 1123 RR0001  |

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